Moxee m2160 User Reviews

Moxee m2160 User reviews and opinions

Axolochii profile picture Axolochii . 2 year(s) ago

Shit phone. For being a free, government given phone it's still ass. Literally, you'd have a better chance surviving being hit by a train than getting anything to work on this damned device. 2gb ram? might as well tie yourself to train tracks. The thing takes forever to open, load or download an app, typing is a pain because barely anything will go at the speed you are (i type a word and have to wait 30 seconds for it to register) - service is bad aswell (jonathan borden dont kid yourself, calls text n video work like spoiled milk in cereal) and its LTE like seriously? LTE LMFAO - whoever made and designed this phone should be fired and have 3 generations of their family put in prison for this abomination in THIS economy

Mike P profile picture Mike P . 2 year(s) ago

Agree 100% with William, worst piece of junk I've ever TRIED to use. It's sooooooooo sloooooow that it's impossible to do much of anything! Do NOT get this throwaway phone

Jonathan Borden profile picture Jonathan Borden . 2 year(s) ago

I disagree with William. For being a government subsidized phone, its probably the best I've gotten out of 3 so far. Yes, 2GB ram makes the device a little laggy, but it's entirely usable for the most part. Games will not play due to having bare bones hardware, but calls, text, video all work well.

William Middleman profile picture William Middleman . 2 year(s) ago

This phone is a piece of junk. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't work. It takes all day to charge the battery from 50% to 98%. No wonder this is the phone that the government gives to poor folks like me who can't afford to buy minutes every month .
