1FreeYond M5A User reviews and opinions - phonedady.com

FreeYond M5A User Reviews

FreeYond M5A User reviews and opinions

Jonathan Kitto profile picture Jonathan Kitto . 10 month(s) ago

I am amazed by both the phone and the company's customer service. Frankly I was expecting it to be of bad quality. I bought it because my old Samsung was dying and I didn't want to pay $1000 for anew phone. Got this one for $109 on Temu. When I first got it I was a little concerned because I couldn't download and install the latest Android update. On a chance I emailed the company in China. (I am in the US) Unbelievable (to me!) They emailed me back and walked me through several diagnostic steps over about 4 days. EveryThing works perfect! It is as good or better than my Samsung and I assure you that a technician from Samsung would not have spent the time to solve my problem. I highly recommend it.
